Thursday 17 August 2017


Google SEO
Google SEO is no joke. I know that now, but I never paid much attention to search engine optimization until, after four years of being in business the traffic to my website (and my livelihood) began to shrivel. Since the majority of the traffic to the site came from Google and, as it turned out, Google was turning off the firehose in a major way, I desperately went looking for a Google SEO
expert to help me out. What I found was 180fusion, an SEO firm that literally brought my site back from the brink.
Seeing my traffic and income dwindle day after day was one of the scariest things I’ve ever gone through. If you happen to find yourself in a similar situation to the one I faced recently, let me assure you that there is definitely hope. If your Google traffic suddenly dries up there is something that can be done about it. It’s not the end of your site and/or business.
When I went looking for a Google SEO expert a few months back I reached out to every listing I could find (on Google, ironically). Only one firm bothered to get back to me: 180fusion. Perhaps they were the only SEO firm that wasn’t scared off by the details I sent (or the only one confident enough that they could handle the situation). Maybe they just have superior customer service. Maybe I just got lucky. Actually, it was probably all of those things — but it’s an important detail because if you’re looking for a reliable SEO partner you need one that is good at communication.
It didn’t take long for Brad from 180fusion to setup a phone meeting with me (despite the fact that I reached out during a major holiday weekend). He took a genuine interest in my business, was very knowledgable and above all was super-friendly. Just talking to Brad immediately put my mind at ease about the Google SEO situation.
It didn’t take long for 180fusion to get to work. They told me that within a few weeks I should expect to see some improvement in our Google rankings and sure enough I did. Thank goodness. A glimmer of hope! Over the next couple of months our traffic slowly began to recover. A game plan was created, errors got fixed, adjustments were made and the site marched on.
Looking back I can see that there were warning signs that the site might have been in trouble. Traffic had peaked in April and was in a slow decline for several months before falling off a cliff. My site went from nearly 1 million monthly views to under 300,000 and our finances suffered accordingly. But then 180fusion got to work and from the lowest traffic day until last week our traffic increased a whopping 247% (just under 8 weeks time).
Alone I had no idea where to start or what might be wrong. It was the best feeling in the world finding 180fusion: a team of people who were willing to work with us where we were to get things back on track. If you’re experiencing Google SEO issues I can’t recommend reaching out to them highly enough.
What I really love about Brad, Briton and the 180fusion team is that they’re willing to go the extra mile. Time after time they worked with us to ensure we could get our site back on the right track.
I guess as a site grows it can’t continue operating the same way it always has. I never gave a serious thought to Google SEO until just a few months ago. I went years without a search strategy because it was working well for me. But I was clueless. Chalk it up to growing pains I guess, which is fundamentally good but not fun while it’s happening.
It’s apparent to me now that SEO — a real, active strategy as opposed to installing a few plugins or reading a few articles — is going to be necessary going forward. True, it’s an added expense (and that can be painful) but the reality is the site couldn’t exist without it. That’s how important search optimization has become at this stage in the site’s life.
So whether your site has somehow managed to escape issues related to Google SEO thus far and you want to stay ahead of the game (which I strongly recommend) or whether you’re currently in the midst of an SEO crisis (like I was) then reach out to 180fusion. They have more than earned my strong endorsement.

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